Finding the Path of Love
May 09, 2022
The other day, I walked into a store to get something and somehow I ended up in a deep conversation with this wonderful woman who had almost everything —except great love. Her story may be familiar in places. She had lots to be grateful for - a great daughter, money, success in work, plenty of friends, family, etc. And she’d also had some very difficult experiences including a divorce, emotional abuse by a partner and painful family relationships.
She saw that there was a pattern playing out among her ex-husband, the ex-boyfriend and her mother that all caused her pain. She was overwhelmed at times, her needs were not being met, her boundaries were being crossed repeatedly, and she was exhausted by it. Ultimately, she was wondering how she would be able to experience love when this is what was playing out in her life.
Maybe you can relate even if your difficulties or losses look a bit different. Perhaps you’re living with the same patterns, or maybe it just feels like you’re not getting what you really want? But either way, there is a call to have a different experience in life. When you long for something more in your relationships or long to a new kind of relationship, it is a call to love. It’s the most natural thing in the world to desire.
This is why I’m working on something new to share starting in the end of June. I hesitate to call it a class because it is NOT really that. It’s more of a love experience. I’ve learned it’s just more powerful to feel love than to talk or hear about it. When we feel the vibration of love, it opens us up to more, and we know it is possible.
I will certainly share some key learnings along the way - especially about what gets in the way of love and how to shift those things. But mostly, I’m creating this to give you a chance to experience yourself, your heart and love differently. And I promise to do my best to make it as fun as I can. :-). Because why not?!
I call it The Path of Love.
So in a way, maybe you can tell I’m excited about it. I look forward to sharing a peek into some of the things we will do in the coming weeks so you can see if it is something you’d like to experience with me.
We all have desires for love that are lying dormant in our hearts. The amazing thing is that they can be awakened and realized. In addition, we have barricades around our heart that we’ve grown accustomed to that get in the way. (These were probably put there for good reason to protect us). They can be shifted to make room for more love. That’s a beautiful thing.
I’ll be sharing more about this on our Instagram and Facebook pages as well. I’ve left some Love Notes with short channeled messages for you - in case you need a reminder that love is always there for you.
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