Harnessing High Frequency Energy
Mar 06, 2025
This is the Arcturians. It is our pleasure to join you today to broadcast a message of hope and peace to all who will hear. Within the construct that you exist, given all its facets and limitations of the structure on earth in which you live in, there are certain parameters you must abide by. We desire, and wish to assist you to make the most of those, to find a way in which to operate that feels best to you to aid you in creating the life you have always wanted.
For so many of you are elevating in your energetic frequency and growing more rapidly than you have in previous incarnations. And as this is occurring, your ability to manifest in the reality in which you live has increased. So this is good news and a welcome addition to all that you have been experiencing in human form.
For a while you have always had the ability to create and manifest those things within your reach that were needed. You now have an extended capacity and reach to bring in much more, not just those things which you immediately need, but those that are greatly beneficial to the collective. When you have aligned within your own life, and to your soul's path and purpose with passion, focus and energy that is attuned to creating for the greatest good -- then you gain access to a far greater set of opportunities.
For you have found your place in the larger plan, which unlocks certain gifts and abilities that you have. So you begin to operate at a more powerful level within your own life. This is why those who have aligned to their purpose, find greater ease oftentimes in bringing those their gifts forward and experience the motivation and passion and fulfillment that comes with it. ā€©It becomes more of a full package as you say in your world.
So this is not about manifesting a house or car or new dog in your life. While those things are wonderful and we wish them all for you to experience, what we would like to focus you on is your capability to affect the larger collective by honing in on your unique purpose.
As each one of you finds your voice and your place in bringing your contribution into alignment, it allows for an expansion for everyone - even those you do not know. For each time one of you comes into greater focus with what you intended to come here to do, it makes it easier for the rest to do so as well. It is akin to thinking of it like a tipping point. So as the collective shifts with more individuals aligning themselves, placing their focus and attention on what within them calls them forward into, to express their soul purpose -ā€©then there is a momentum that is generated, and it begins to move forward with greater speed.
So you are all part of this, and this momentum has the power to gather up speed and assist all who are struggling to see their way through this transition - to help them come along. For there is an infectious nature - from the joy and positive energy that is generated by each one of you as you move more closely into playing in that realm in which you intended to. It is like the experience of getting into the zone when you play a sport, a game, or find a train of thought that races along joyfully to its finish and completion.
It feels quite effortless, does it not - when you experience that flow?
That is available to you in larger degrees as you find these places within you to attune, to guide you into that channel of joyful energy. So you might be wondering: What is it I can do now to assist this process? We have a few suggestions for that.
We recommend that every single day you ask yourself:
- How can I align myself more closely to what I intended to be and do here?
- What would bring me the greatest joy to step into today? ā€©
- What can I let go of that might be hindering my experience of my fullest expression in this body?
- How does love seek to guide me today?
Use one, all or any of these questions to assist you. It is simply that tuning to listen inside that is most relevant to experiencing the effortlessness we have spoken of.
In some ways the currency in which you experience life is far more about attuning to the vibration you are emanating. You think of things often in terms of time, money and resources, but what is fueling all those things? - the innate frequency inside of the people, who are exchanging services, products, their presence, their focus and so on.
Ask yourself this:
- What is my frequency supporting today?
- What is the frequency I am emanating to others in what I am doing?
- How can I increase my frequency so that I may give and receive more fully today? ā€©
This is the true currency of your society, as many have said, everything is energy in your day to day experience, so please pay attention to it.
Enjoy the high frequency energy that you have contained within you:
- that you may share with others
- that you may fuel your creations with
- that you may rise to meet it, as it enters the world around you.
There is a greater and greater amount of high frequency energy entering your solar system at this time. Open to receive it, whether that is in quiet meditation or joyfully jogging out in the sun for you. Invite it in, allow it to penetrate your fields, and use it to play with in this realm in which you project yourself into in the current now moment!
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