Love is the Great Transformer
Nov 21, 2024
Channeled message on Nov 13th, 2024
This is Saint Germaine. I bring the Violet Flame as an accessory tool to guide you to clarify your understanding of your relationship with your innate purpose as a soul, in this crucial time of ascension.
Each of you has many ways in which you may express your soul's innate desire to be of service. You each set out at the start of this lifetime, with a continuation of your plan for your soul journey, the design that is inherent, literally within your cells and DNA.
So, you may use my Violet Flame to purify and bring clarity to your physical form, that love may flow more fully through each one of you. Invite it in, as you receive this, to filter from above the crown of your head, through each cell of your body. Let it fall slowly to anchor, deep within your heart, to bring the great blessings of clearing and transformation to each cell in your body.
Your ability to access your true loving nature, and to bring that love to yourself, allows this conduit that you are, to open and allow far more light to reflect through your lives. So, as I join you here today, let the gentle but powerful Violet Flame work its way between and through each cell, surrounding every strand of DNA. Let every place within you, that is willing to accept my flame transmute any shadows, limiting beliefs, misunderstandings, or judgments at this time.
This is a gift I freely offer to you in this moment to lift your cares, worries, and burdens of the past that have come from difficult experiences, from your journey along the way. This is understandably so, but they are not true and do not reflect your authentic blueprint for this lifetime. So, allow yourself to enter into this transmission, this gift of transmutation, with an openness and trust that all those particles of energy that have been stuck, that may have been placed there, even nefariously by others, are free now and gone from your system. It is a simple willingness that I ask, and a commitment to allow yourself to trust that this process is real. Trust and know that you have the sovereignty, freedom, and power to accept this gift and to let it be, no longer picking back up those elements now being released from your system.
To do this, I encourage you to soften your relationship with yourself as you go forward. Pay attention to any moments of what we could call hardness or stiffness within your own being. This may show itself when you try to force something, call something wrong, or feel disappointed in yourself. Allow yourself to be just as you are, knowing that this is part of the vast journey home, and that however this manifests in your experience and reality, when you meet it with love, all is well. It is the great transformer of all, the presence and awareness of the Divine Eye, gracing that which it looks upon with love. This presence is the manifestation of your sense of God or Spirit, what some call the Universe.
So take in this sense of deliberate generosity, and know yourselves as worthy to receive it. There is nothing other than fear that can stop this transmission. Your trust in allowing this, is sufficient to meet the invitation, to allow a greater lifting of any burden you carry at this time, and to receive this loving transmission as my gift.
Together, it is our desire that you experience tremendous love in your lives. By inviting and trusting these elements, which have been resistant to love through shame, protection, fear, and any innumerable other emotions that are based on illusion, you can find yourself on the other side, gently, softly opening to love. You have my blessing and my tremendous desire to bring you the potency of this gift of love.
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