Unlock Your True Potential: A Message for Activating Your Most Powerful Ally

archangel gabrielle i am presence purpose Oct 13, 2024

Channeled Message:

Beloved ones, by invitation, I share this message with you to assist your path this day, to help you to understand the unique position this place in your life represents. This time in your life represents a choice.  For all who are alive at this time, came with an intention to participate in a sea change across your world that includes every aspect of your society.

And each one of you are needed to play your role, to step up and into the highest form of your expression as a human having this experience - opening to discover what you can do, as a being of sheer light embodied in human form.

So I ask you this,

  • to open and spread your own angelic wings,
  • to foster those innate nudges within your heart that call you to a better way of living, that invite you to do things differently than you might have done,
  • to encourage you to find that inner voice that insistently speaks to you that there is something more than the day-to-day making ends meet in this world, that you are most certainly here for a purpose far beyond the human grind.

Allow yourself to explore this belief, to invite this innate sense of your purpose to come forward, to be shown to you, to directly be communicated in a way that you will understand from your higher self.

For all of us in the unseen world seek to assist you with this, you need only ask, and wait with trust for the response. There are certainly times where there is silence and no answers come, for you may be in a period of integration, a settling of energies before clarity, or waiting for the perfect moment to come forward to know your next step.

For there are cycles to all things as there are in nature, and there is not a constant opening and expansion occurring at all times. It is a series of contractions and expansions over and over, as the beautiful flower bud that you are, opens more fully, one petal at a time, without force.

And there are times for most humans when this is frustrating, when it seems that it is taking too long. But I encourage you to trust the process, for your most wise, essential self knows the perfect timing, the steps for unfoldment, and the direction in which you wish to go as a soul.

So I encourage you to build a more concrete and conscious connection with your expanded self, what many call the I Am Presence. This is an expression of you at higher levels that is connected to all things, that knows all things that you seek, and how to bring you together with them in loving devotion.

It is truly your connection to source energy, and as you begin to inquire of this aspect of yourself and invite it to make a more direct connection with you, you will begin to trust it more, to sense its presence within you, how it brings you all things you need, and understands the desires of your heart.

So allow yourself to explore this connection, to play with the idea of it, if it is new to you, and to invite its fuller expression into your being and to your knowledge, and to make itself aware, make itself be present within your awareness - in a way that you cannot deny. For asking this will allow you to build this relationship with yourself, that is the foundation of all things you wish to experience. It is your connection to Source, it is your supply. It is your most expansive knowledge base from which to operate as a human. No one or nowhere outside of you, has more information than this connection.

Learning to reestablish your conscious awareness of this has tremendous value, for it will bring you the clarity you need in times of doubt, the inspiration as to when to take action, to understand the cycles of your life, and when to hold steady in non-action.

All these things allow you to experience co-creation in your life in a much easier way than when you rely solely on the mind and the muscle of your action alone. So I encourage you in closing, to embrace this possibility, to feel within you the beloved devotion of your most expanded self that seeks no other thing than your support, the realization of your dreams, and to be the unending supply of all you need and want. Invite it to come forward, to make itself present in your awareness with love.

Archangel Gabriel

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