The Call to Mastery: Holding Steady Through Changing Times
Dec 19, 2024
Beloved ones, I have come to bring gifts of wisdom, deep peace, encouragement, and inspiration. These are the desires of the Council of Love to bring you further along your path through the transmission of these qualities and blessings, that you may feel a greater portion of your divine nature directly in these transmissions.
We do this for you to have greater clarity of your path and purpose and know how to hold the vibration of love in all you do. It is essential in this interaction that you trust what we are saying to you is true. In that extension of trust, there is a space of allowance that occurs, an allowance of receptivity and an opening so that you can receive any transmission your guides are offering. The mere lack of belief in your mind can interfere with this.
So, the gifts you have been offered are to settle into a deep peace. Do soften, relax, open to these transmissions with a sense of pure trust and safety. This allows a greater portion of these energies to be transmitted through each one of you. They will guide you to establish a solid foundation of contentment, divine neutrality from a place of love, and a steadiness and openness to all that is occurring without losing your center.
I share this with you to encourage you to learn to master this steadiness. For this is the primary quality that each of you needs to stay open, to receive, not only these transmissions of love that will nourish you and provide an avenue or greater light to come in, but keep you balanced as these many changes occur.
And in this asking, I invite you to surrender your resistance, your fears, your longing for artificial protection from the expansiveness of divine love. For all humans have had experiences of pain and suffering that they have desired to protect themselves from occurring again. It is indeed common to shelter the heart from further wounding. But what this does is create an artificial barrier for greater love to enter and for the healing to occur.
So, learning to stay open, despite external conditions, despite the fears of others around you, despite the headlines in the news, all offers you a path of mastery, which is part of what becoming an Ascended being is all about.
So, nurture your physical bodies, care for your emotions, and explore the pockets or corners of your heart that seek protection. Do this that you may learn to embrace them with this peace and hold steady throughout the changes ahead.
This is one of the most tremendous offerings you can bring to the world. For there will be many who will find the change trying and will ride the waves of emotions up and down. They may become discouraged as times are changing, despite the fact that this volatility is indeed recognition that the old structures are falling, that they no longer work, and that the advancing agenda of the New Earth is forming before your eyes.
So, practice on a daily basis this ability to stay present with an heart open, radiating love in all you do. When things are quiet, nurture your capacity to extend that into more difficult experiences and see how easily you can return to a state of peacefulness despite what is happening around you.
Your mastery of this is a powerful tool to nurture not only yourselves but the many beings who will hear your voices, feel your presence, and seek guidance in what they consider to be dark times. That reassurance is a great power and will stabilize the matrix around you.
Allow yourselves and extend the trust that this is so, that this is possible for you, that you can easily come to mastery of the skill, regardless of what your history has been. Times are changing, and the speed at which you may make changes yourselves has accelerated, just as the world around you and the energies at hand. It is my gift to you as a member of the Council of Love. I hold this vision of your mastery and extend it to you with my confidence.
I offer to you a reminder that the violet flame is part of this gift and blessing—to wrap yourselves in it daily. Use it to transmute any imbalances within you, to extend it to the world around you, whether that be tumultuous natural disasters, individuals with emotional imbalance, or systems that are crumbling around you. All things in your world are receptive to this energy, and with the powerful direction of your intention, you may assist many changes with this support, with the simplicity of my flame and the presence of your beautiful heart energy, open in love.
This is Saint Germaine.
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