Trusting your Creative Spark
Sep 07, 2024
A new channeled message — to help us all trust the creative spark of our unique, beautiful selves:
When there is a desire to do something that sparks your joy, it is meant to be brought into form. It is meant to be realized. What is the point of this generative Source energy if not to express itself in your world, in your form, in your creations? It is the purpose of this existence you all share, to allow the light within you to permeate your being, that it may be enlivened and express its true nature.
Whether that is in the artistic creations, the tone of your voice, the touch of your fingers upon another, the way in which you run your business, how you hold the child in your arms. All of these are creation of source energy itself flowing through you. So do not doubt your desire for creations of love, for they are born of the pure form of love that comes from the one that seeks nothing other than to be realized, to discover itself within your tender form of expression, your being, your body, your life, of which you are one with it.
And it is your right to have this individual expression. This is the purpose of the ego within you, to experience yourself as a separate aspect of source energy. And yet that does not negate the truth that there is nothing other than this beautiful, beautiful energy that we all call home, that we all feel within us, that enlivens our actions, that drives us forward to pursue our heartfelt dreams and open our arms to forgiveness, to surrender to grace when we are but willing to allow it to flow through us at greater and greater degrees.
This is the journey of ascension to discover how this occurs in one's life, how one begins to live with a greater openness of the heart in everyday actions, how this affects one's relationships, how they become as sacred as the most precious one in your life, that all may be experienced like that, whatever degree of familiarity they are, there is love at the essence within all of you. Discover this.
Explore and expand, trusting your instincts, your intuition, your capable and brilliant minds in concert with your hearts to guide you to those creations that will bring us all home as one in unity and balance, connected with the thread of divine love through all things whether you think of them as temporal, physical, spiritual, any form, at their essence is this thread of love. There is nothing else.
It is all but a mutation of this energy. And stripping back the shackles, the layers that obscure, this is the greatest journey of coming home to love itself. When you feel this expansion of light within you, allow it to flow unfettered out into your creations, into your speech, and communication, into your choice of daily habits and actions, into the way in which you run your business, lead your family, engage in your friendships and your communities.
For all are seeking this unification with love at their center. There is nothing more fundamental to this journey than to uncover what love itself seeks to express through each one of you. And the beautiful uniqueness with which you each express is the joy that source itself offers you. Desires from you, invites you to open to, let yourself dream with wild abandon, and consider that your heartfelt desires are worthy of trusting and can be made manifest as co-creations of spirit as you surrender to this co creative process between the manifest physical and the element of spirit.
It is this marriage of the two, of aligning between what seeks to come through you and your willingness to surrender to it, to be inspired and carried forward with this energy that allows such tremendous openings of love to occur in your world, where you may find the discovery of much you are seeking for - to change your society and align your individual paths to that which integrates you into the divine, great tapestry of the mother and father's plan.
For all of us, we are each sorely needed. So many have forgotten this and feel unwanted, unworthy, unloved and unimportant. Let us call not only ourselves forward, but those around us to remember this, to know the pleasure of their creative expression in form through divine love, to experience the deep worthiness, love and express potential of their form as part of this plan, that all may feel they are needed, wanted, desired and important to this plan.
So many of our youth are struggling to know this. They have such tremendous energy and love to give and need only the spark of remembrance. That their purpose, their individual unique template is assured is part of a larger picture of capacity, complete wholeness, and that they are needed beyond measure to play their part. This is indeed true for people of many ages, but especially those that are young.
So allow yourself to awaken as lightworkers to tailor your deepest desires authentically in their unique manner, in the way in which you interface in the world that others may feel the freedom, the encouragement, see the example of allowing themselves to come forward as they truly are, as divine beings of love, with wildly different expressions of this in form, and that their uniqueness may be cherished as we cherish all of you in love.
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